Procurement Portal News Articles

ICT ministry to centralize Govt. tech procurement

May 18, 2018

The Kenya ICT ministry is launching a centralized platform for the procurement of ICT goods and services by all government ministries and state corporations to standardize ICT equipment, avoid duplication, and foster cost-effectiveness.

Melbourne innovates to improve disabled access

May 17, 2018

The City of Melbourne, through its Open Innovation Competition, has selected five finalists which have developed innovative solutions such as an accessible map, a navigation system, and a business accessibility rating tool aimed at making the city accessible  to one in every five persons in the city experiencing some forms of disability.

NSW Govt unveils new procurement platform

May 15, 2018

The NSW Government has announced its new buy.nsw procurement platform that will serve as marketplace for buying and selling cloud software, cloud hosting and infrastructure, and cloud support.

Joint Declaration of the Seventh Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit

May 09, 2018

The leaders of Japan, People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea expressed their commitment towards increasing the level and quality of economic and social participation of persons with disabilities through the exchange and sharing of assistive devices, and enhancing physical and ICT accessibility during the seventh Japan-China-RoK Trilateral Summit held in Japan.

Inclusion of disabilities in PM’s programme a major step: minister

May 09, 2018

Pakistan National Health Services Minister Tarar highlighted their prime minister’s commitment to promote inclusion of persons with disabilities through assistive technologies as part of the country’s national program.

#AssistiveTechnology #AT #Accessibility #A11y #Pakistan #G3ict #BuyICT4All #Procurement #DigitalInclusion #DigitalTransformation #ProcurementWithPurpose @WHOEMRO @nhsrcpk @WHOPakistan

Microsoft introduces $25 million AI initiative to empower people with disabilities

May 08, 2018

Microsoft is launching a $25 million five-year program, the “AI for Accessibility”, to use artificial intelligence aimed at building better technology for people with disabilities.  

#MSBuild #AIforAccessibility #G3ict #BuyICT4All #Procurement #DigitalInclusion @Microsoft #DigitalTransformation #ProcurementWithPurpose #Accessibility #A11y