CRPD Implementation: Promoting Global Digital Inclusion through ICT Procurement Policies & Accessibility Standards
Following the ratification— by more than 170 countries—of the 2006 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), there have been numerous publications supporting its implementation. This G3ict white paper focuses on the rationale and self-evident demand for inclusive public procurement policies and practices in those countries that have ratified the CRPD.
This white paper notes that at the time of publication (and still true today) the US ‘Section 508’ and European ‘EN 301 549’ public procurement accessibility standards could potentially form the basis of a harmonized global standard. While such a global standard remains to be achieved, the current procurement accessibility standards are relied on to guide procurement activities.
The white paper calls for the development of a roadmap for implementation of the policies. In the absence of a global standard, the roadmaps that have since been developed by G3ict concern the implementation of policies supporting the adoption of the US and European Standards.