Procurement Portal News Articles

Projeto de lei facilita informações a pessoas com deficiência visual

July 19, 2017

A Member of Parliament has proposed a bill that aims to facilitate more access for people with visual impairment by requiring commercial establishments such as bakeries and supermarkets in the State of Mato Grosso to ensure that labels are displayed in a place that is easily accessible to people who are partially sighted or blind or his companion, containing the name of the products, quantity and its respective price, and written in braille.

Lei da pessoa com deficiência é avanço, mas necessita de regulamentações, diz advogado

July 16, 2017

A Brazilian lawyer highlights the critical role of the new national Disability Law as a  step forward for Brazilian society to 'break down barriers to accessibility and to equalize people's opportunity’ and emphasizes the need to regulate by ensuring that all stakeholders implement its provisions within the next 24 to 48 months following its passage.

Assistive Technology Key to Inclusive Education

July 15, 2017

This article explains how assistive technology becomes a key component of an e-learning oriented curriculum and why it should be installed in every school which seek to realize the full potential of an e-learning environment.

Disabili: approvato il programma di aiuto e supporto

July 13, 2017

Italy’s Minister of Labor and Social Affairs recently signed a decree to implement programs and policies to support people with disabilities including the promotion and implementation of accessibility and their mobility.

Japan's visually impaired voters benefit from unique project

July 06, 2017

Yahoo! Japan and advertising agency Dentsu teamed up to ensure Tokyo Municipal Assembly vote was accessible to some 30,000 voters with limited vision and little access to information on candidates and their policies by creating a site accessible to voters using screen readers.

Seduc, AL e MP discutem educação inclusiva para pessoas com deficiência

July 06, 2017

The Secretary of State for Education, Sport and Recreation together with the State Board of Education, other professional bodies and public education stakeholders participated in the 1st Special Meeting of the Committee on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Sport of the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso to discuss Target 14 of the State Education Plan which deals with inclusive education for persons with disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders and high ability or giftedness.

Comissão discute propostas para idosos e deficientes visuais

June 28, 2017

The Committee of the São Paulo Legislative Assembly favored proposed bills which aim to increase the participation of older people in the labor market and by requiring commercial and financial institutions to issue passwords printed in Braille and voice call to facilitate access by persons with disabilities on waiting list