Date: June 2016
Language: English
Publisher: Funka (sponsored by Microsoft)
Length: 3 hours
Go to the EN ChannelThis is a series of 13 introductory training videos on the European Standard for accessible technology procurement, EN 301 549.
For all involved in procurement, the first three short videos (total time approximately 30 minutes) provide an overview of the Standard, and present the case for adopting an inclusive practice in your organization through adoption of the Standard. After the introductory material, the remaining ten videos are divided up according to the chapters in the Standard. Although these chapter-based videos include technical information and guidance, they have been designed to be usable by both technical and non-technical personnel. Each of these chapters provides an overview, and then includes practical examples to help trainees assess how to implement accessible solutions in their Information and Communications Technology (ICT). These training videos provide a detailed overview of the European Standard. For actual implementation tasks, there are toolkits and other supporting resources in this G3ict Accessible Procurement Portal.